Wikipedia wiki Orientability Orientability Wikipedia This covering space is called the orientable double cover as it is orientable M displaystyle M is connected if and only if M displaystyle M is not
pas rochester edu assets pdf Double Covers and Some Applications to Spinor Representations In this paper we will discuss a few double coverage relations between groups or direct products of groups and how it can be applied to spinor representations The
Department of Mathematics at Columbia University woit LieGroups 2012 Clifford Algebras and Spin Groups Columbia University One has 1 SO n R Z2 and the simply connected double cover is the group Spin n R the simply connected double cover of O n R is called Pin n R It is this group
Orientability Concept
Brown University Mathematics mchan2 cdc A survey of the cycle double cover conjecture Brown University A cycle double cover of a graph G is a list of cycles of G such that every edge of G appears exactly twice The cycle double cover conjecture CDC is the following
Double Covering
pas rochester edu su 2s double covering of so 3 SU 2 s Double Covering of SO 3 University of Rochester We discuss properties of SU 2 especially in relation to its double covering of SO 3 We rst point out the double covering then we show the isomorphism of the Lie File Size 281KB Page Count 9
Wikipedia wiki Covering group Covering group Wikipedia A frequently occurring case is a double covering group a topological double cover in which H has index 2 in G examples include the spin groups pin groups and
Mathematics Stack Exchange questions 2041905 Understanding the orientable double cover Dec 3 2016 Definition if M is a smooth manifold define the orientable double cover of M by M p op p M op orientations on TpM together with the function π M
Double Covering
math ucr edu res m205C Orientability of Manifolds Department of Mathematics We would like to use this scenario to construct a two sheeted covering space OM called the orientation covering of M If x1 xn are coordinates on a connected
Wikipedia wiki Double cover Double cover Wikipedia In mathematics a double cover or double covering may refer to Double cover topology a two to one mapping from one topological space to another Frequently occurring
Mathematics Stack Exchange 4105749 definition of double covers general topology Definition of double covers Mathematics Apr 17 2021 A double cover is one having exactly two sheets everywhere This is equivalent to p 1 x having two elements for all x in X